Connect 5 Enneagram Card
Your trauma-informed cheat sheet in a handy PDF.
Sharon K. Ball, LPC-MHSP
Resourcing YOUR hidden strength of resilience.
Author of Reclaiming You: Using the Enneagram to Move from Trauma to Resilience.
For me, trauma is what isolates us AND connects us. Trauma recovery recognizes we are the same sea together, just maybe traveling in different boats. So, when the storm hits we need to lean into grace, kindness, and healing together. It is together that healing and connection happen.

Reclaiming You: Using the Enneagram to Move from Trauma to Resilience.
Trauma, for many people, is an unspoken word. It is often felt in isolation or simply unrecognized, thereby preventing treatment, recovery, and healing.
Reclaiming You: Using the Enneagram to Move from Trauma to Resilience was written for someone like you—someone who may be going through trauma, recovering from trauma, or supporting someone who has been impacted by trauma.
Our goal is for it to help you grow not only in knowledge but also in empathy with yourself and those around you.
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Russ Hudson
Author of The Enneagram: Nine Gateways to Presence
Coauthor of The Wisdom of the Enneagram
In its core, the Enneagram provides a path to living in presence, developing our capacity to truly show up in our lives and relationships.
In Reclaiming You, Sharon Ball and Renée Siegel have written an engaging and clear map of both the different forms of trauma and the ways in which the nine Enneagram points can express trauma.
Suzanne Stabile
Author of The Journey Toward Wholeness
Host of The Enneagram Journey Podcast
This is a book that is both prudent and generous for those of us who intuitively know that the experience of trauma is inextricably connected to the wisdom of the Enneagram.
If trauma has touched your life in any way, whether personal or professional, I wholeheartedly, and without reservation, recommend that you read this book. Reclaiming You is a compilation of knowledge you can trust.
Sharon K. Ball MA, is a licensed professional counselor–mental health service provider (LPC-MHSP), national board-certified counselor, and an accredited Enneagram teacher through the International Enneagram Association.
Because of her background, Sharon has provided trauma-response counseling for victims of mass shootings and hurricanes.
She has also been called upon to provide crisis-intervention services during national and international disasters such as the Indian Ocean tsunami and the Haiti earthquake.
As the founder of the 9Paths Center for Wellbeing, a clinical counseling center, Sharon provides informed trauma care to individuals, couples, and families.
You can find more about Sharon at

Ginger Lapid-Bogda, PhD
Enneagram Teacher, Business Consultant, and Author of Eight Enneagram Books, including the Best-selling Bringing Out the Best in Yourself at Work and The Art of Typing
Reclaiming You will increase your understanding of trauma as well as of the Enneagram. It will provide you with skills that are easy to apply and resources that are easy to understand. It will also increase your level of compassion toward yourself and those around you who have experienced traumatic events. I believe it will contribute to the healing of many and will be a classic in the field of trauma healing and the Enneagram.

Reclaiming You
Our goal is for it to help you grow not only in knowledge but also in empathy with yourself and those around you.

Sharon K. Ball, MA
Start your journey today, let's connect by clicking "Learn More" below.
Storme Warren
Country Music Radio Host of the Storme Warren Morning Show on SiriusXM: The Highway
Sharon and Renée use real stories and experiences from trauma victims, allowing readers to connect with the different ways trauma is experienced and the tools necessary to heal.
Henry Emmons, MD
Author of The Chemistry of Joy and The Chemistry of Calm
We are all built a little differently, so of course we respond in our own ways to life’s challenges. The Enneagram is perhaps the most elegant model to understand these differences.
In Reclaiming You, you’ll draw upon the authors’ deep understanding of the Enneagram to create a truly fresh approach to recovery from trauma and a unique path back to resilience. This book could hardly be timelier.